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Hi, I'm Jack Smith founder of Would you like to contact us about patent illustrations and other drawings? Our office and studio are located
northwest of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area. We are located in Minnesota's beautiful lake country area, that attracts thousands of visitors every year. We welcome your inquiry. Please feel free to get in touch with at your convenience.
11609 Sylvan Road
East Gull Lake, MN 56401-2053 USA

We routinely use use E-mail, Telephone, US Mail, US Priority or Express Mail and FedEx to service our clients, all over the world. We furnish high quality original paper copies of patent illustrations. Pdf files of original patent drawings can even be E-mailed to you, same day service, for printing on your printer. Ask us about any other service, you may be needing.
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Thanks for your inquiry! prepares patent illustrations and drawings, quickly and accuratly.