About Jack Smith Patent Illustrator
Jack has over 35 years experience in manufacturing and marketing. Today, as a patent illustrator, he works exclusively with patent attorneys and inventors. He can benefit you by his experience.
Jack is an advocate of education. Beyond college he is a life long student. In association with
Metropolitan State University, he is a pioneer of independent study. Research, art and innovation always
go hand in hand. Like Leonardo Da Vinci of the thirteenth century, Jack's drawing and art skills have
intertwined the art world and the commercial world of innovation. Jack says, "the creative process is actually the back bone of life itself."
Jack advocates for the efforts of inventors and is involved with cutting edge innovation. His
involvement has been with medical equipment manufacture, machine building, robotics, computers,
electrical generation, bulk material handling, oil refinement, environmental clean up, identification,
outdoor advertising, recreational equipment, commercial construction and the list goes on.......
Beginning his career in custom job shop fabrication and manufacturing, was an asset to his future.
His experience was hands on and extensive. Solving production and design problems, managing,
cost estimating, purchasing, drafting, establishing procedures and quality assurance guidelines.
In 1987, Jack mentored with Loren Kienlen, patent illustrator, in Eugene Oregon. Mr. Kienlen was
an entrepreneur with relationship to Hughes Aircraft, A&W Drive In Restaurants, Fisher Stoves,
DoorMaid, Doer Tools, real estate and poultry production.
Continuing to this day Jack works internationally with patent attorneys and inventors. He prepares their
patent drawings for formal filing with the patent and trademark offices.
United States Patent and Trademark Office.
European Patent Office.
World Intelectual Property Organization.

Here Are Some Testimonials:
"We have worked together almost 20 years. You are a well respected patent illustrator."
Dick Bartz,
Bartz & Bartz, Minneapolis, MN.

"Your the best patent illustrator, I have ever had. Thank you for your good work"
Richard, Conover,
Patent Attorney, Bozeman, MT.

"Your drawings are great. I had to show them to my kids. I said, look what the Master has done."
Gary Spruill, Inventor
Awning Sleeve Shirt, Inid, OK,

"Your public relations skills are at an experienced, high level professional status."
Jean Steiner,
Minnesota House of Representatives.

"Jack executed practical solutions to problems I gave him. The most practical well presented solutions
ever. The most professional I have ever evaluated.
Lorilee Sandman,
Metropolitan State University,
Assistant Professor University of Minnesota.

"You are the very best, most detail oriented, patent illustrator I have ever worked with."
Curt Kinghorn,
Patent Attorney,
Sirus Stratigic, Minneapolis, MN.

" Your the MAN, Jack."
Mark Rosheim,
Ross-Hime Designs, Minneapolis, MN.
Mark Rosheim, Robotics Inventor/Author.

"You bring a great deal of needed professionalism to the organization."
William Sumner, Inventor,
State of Minnesota.

"You immedediately understood the whole concept of the invention, with little explanation."
Roger Belfay,
Patent Attorney, St. Paul, MN.
Roger Belfay, Patent Attorney.

Jack has served as President of United Inventors Association UIA and Inventors' Network
Jack has served as President of United Inventors Association, UIA and Inventor' Network a non profit 501-C3 association. This is the largest united inventor association in the United States, with members also in other countries and a hard copy newsletter sent monthly to its subscribers. It's mission is to foster
invention and help inventors with responsive information through networking and education. This organization
meets monthly.
The IN is a voluntary membership organization composed of individuals wishing to encourage the development
of new ideas and to promote the spirit of innovation through the seeking and sharing of information.
It is accomplishing this goal by focusing the individual and collective experience and expertise of its members, and others, to assist inventors and innovators through the process of bringing their ideas to use, either through
commercialization or noncommercial dedication to public betterment.

Inventors' Network concentrates on providing information which will minimize the investments of time, expense and frustration inventors often experience in developing their ideas.
IN has established and operates regular and occasional, meetings, programs, workshops, displays, seminars, counseling and other educational activities.
Jack has lead the Inventors' Network in forming arrangements with outside resources. This collaboration
will benefit inventors by a relationship with service providers and manufacturing.
Find Out More About Inventors' Network.

Jack Is Featured In In A Face Project™ - Micro Documentary
Art, wisdom, and good work are just a few of the things Jack discusses with A Face Project™ in this episode. Story JACK/SEVEN.
Jack has some fantastic things to share about his career and his many accomplishments, from beautiful self-portraits to a thriving business.
A Face Project™ is a collection of stories from around the world told through audio recordings, photography, and some writing.
Click on the A Face Project™ button below and find out more about Jack Smith.

READ the full interview, with Jack Smith, at this link to the IP Folio Blog article posted by Nigel Ravenhill.
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